Our Heavenly Father loves us deeply and longs to be in a meaningful relationship. After receiving the gift of Eternal Life, we begin to share with others the blessings of God. Both we and our neighbors suffer great loss when we fail to ask for blessings God wants to give. These blessings can change lives, invigorate Local Churches, transform Local Communities, and even alter the course of history! Best of all, blessings beyond measure are available to every believer if we will only Stand In The GAP and Tell THE Story as faithful and obedient disciples of Sovereign Jesus Christ..
Conducting Weekend Stand and Tell Revival Campaigns can help God’s people discover anew that interceding in prayer and hiding the Word of God in our hearts are sure and steadfast lifelines to God—our one and only Source of strength and abundant blessing. God’s people are given opportunities to engage with God on mission and turn their Local Churches inside out by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Energized by the Holy Spirit, missional living is replicated by regular everyday active Christians focused on honoring God as they worship, walk, and work together. They help their neighbors by shining as living displays of what a willing God alone can accomplish.
Let’s pray “the Glory down” and ask those in our local spheres of influence to attend the means of Grace offered at these on-site Weekend Events: DAY ONE is a Friday Evening Tell Interactive Service; DAY TWO is a Saturday Morning/Afternoon Stand Prayer Symposium and a Saturday Evening Tell Incarnational Service; DAY THREE is a Sunday Morning Tell Worship Celebration and a Sunday Evening Tell Commission Service. Times may vary.
Founded on the stories of the Holy Bible and Intercessory Prayer, may God instruct, inspire, and assist us to be Incarnational Groups of Intentional Missionaries who “go and make disciples” as lights shining in dark places.
Thomas Dr J Jacob, D.Min.
605 N. High St. #145
Columbus, OH 43215
United States of America
Tel: (614)364-2741