Helping you and your Local Church begins with God-given Faith
The Christian Faith and Practice
of CWW®,
including our four-fold model
of Spiritual Formation,
are governed by
the Holy Bible alone
(as the reliable and final authority),
which is:
reasonable in its claims,
exemplified in antiquity,
vivified in personal experience, and
most fully institutionalized
in Local Churches
Para Church Organizations
that are
connecting faith to fellowship
every possible
human community on earth
Sovereign Jesus Christ.
By God's grace alone
through personal faith alone
in Sovereign Jesus Christ alone
--the Eternal Holy Spirit
in space and time:
inspired the Holy Bible's human writers,
may bear witness
with the Holy Bible's human readers,
may accept
the Holy Bible's variable,
yet meek, human interpretation.
Until variableness
gives way to everlasting
on the Last Day,
may all trusting Christians
promote the Gospel and V.O.I.C.E.
of God's
and Sovereignty.