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You Are A Church Without Walls.

Six eBooks (guidebooks and workbooks) below the "Inform Us" prayer are for Individuals, Couples, or Groups of any size and adapt easily to any Christian doctrine, polity, or practice.




As a reformer, learn how you can launch a discipleship process. This guidebook presents the big picture overview of the 3-Strand CORE Discipleship process and should be reviewed first if you are considering Core Discipleship participation. The 3-Strand CORE Discipleship Process will help develop an unbelievable spiritual discipleship network and community in your local church where no one stands alone, struggles alone, develops alone or grows up alone. Click above workbook image to get started!

Designed to help you understand the Biblical basis and importance of God's family life--because collaboration and reformation begin at home. This 76-page book will help you discover and recover the pattern of godly relationships in the home and with our loving God. The most effective manner to train and equip our families for any skill is by providing effective models and opportunities to practice the skill itself. Jesus used a show, tell, release, and supervise model of training. After calling the disciples He took them along with Him, teaching and healing the sick as He went. Then, after He thought the disciples had seen and learned enough to try for themselves, He commissioned, empowered, instructed, and sent them out to do the same things. This model of training should be no different for those desiring to bring others into a complete understanding and walk in Christ likeness. Click above workbook image to get started!

This guidebook is designed to help you chart a discipleship course for yourself, your home, and/or your local church. "Field Guide: Charting a Course for Today's Discipleship Groups" is a 60-page guidebook that presents a general overview of discipleship, home groups, and Core Groups, a spiritual assessment tool and more. Click above workbook image to get started!


Provides an overview of the Core Discipleship process and more. This Leader's Guide is a 58-page overview of the Core Discipleship process. Highly recommended if you intend on launching a Core Discipleship Group. Click above workbook image to get started!

1-Year Workbook

A 12-month small discipleship group comprehensive workbook and more. The Core Workbook will take you and your discipleship group through seven books of the Bible including Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, John, James, and 2 Timothy. This 1-year workbook includes a total of 51 individual studies plus a section on launching a church-wide Core FasTrack, a Spiritual Life Stage Assessment Tool, How To Improve Your Serve, Studying God’s Word, Prayer, Writing Your Testimony, Learning to Share the Gospel, a Pastor’s section, Topical Scripture section and more. Click above workbook image to get started!


The six eBook's (downloadable PDF workbook/guidebook's) content above may not necessarily reflect the official position of Church Without Walls® Inc., its founder Thomas (Dr. J) Jacob, its initiatives, its membership, its customers, its affiliates, and/or any other semblance of CWW® (entity or person, real or imagined). The above resources are in addition to other suggested resources of a Local Church or other online and on-site venues.

This guidebook gives you 22 immutable defining characteristics of spiritual maturity. Many churches measure success by attendance records, size of budgets, and square footage. However, Jesus uses a higher standard: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34,35). Our church “scorecard” should be basedon the Great Commandment and Jesus’ Great Commission with emphasis on accountability, discipleship, true life transformation, and spiritual maturity. In order to experience spiritual maturity, we must also understand that growth comes by grace and it is God alone who is our resource. According to the Bible, there are 22 immutable defining characteristics of spiritually mature disciples. This tool will assist you in evaluating, monitoring and measuring discipleship processes, assist in the Biblical selection and evaluation of potential church leadership from a congregation that is praying for collaboration and reform. REMEMBER: No one can "lead" like you can in your sphere of influence! Click above workbook image to get started!

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