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I Am A Church Without Walls.

Workbook 1

In Workbook 1, learn what it means to live an empowered life. The Bible tells us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This introductory workbook shows us how we are to walk and presents a clear understanding between walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit. Authentic spirituality requires power found only in the Holy Spirit. Discover how the Holy Spirit filled and empowered life is not our trying to live like Christ, but allowing His Holy Spirit to indwell us, living His life again through us by His Holy Spirit. Discipleship By Design describes the way to understand and tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, resulting in a powerful, fruitful life. Get a clear understanding of how the Holy Spirit can work in your life and can empower you to become more like Christ.  Click above workbook image to get started!

Workbook 2

In Workbook 2, discover Who the Holy Spirit is and the freedom Christ brings. The Holy Spirit is the key to living under God’s grace. It is only the indwelling Holy Spirit Who can fulfill the Law through us and truly free us from the Law. Workook 2 shows us how we can daily live under the Holy Spirit’s control and guidance, obeying every prompting of the Holy Spirit, knowing that it is by this means that the fleshly or carnal desires are defeated.  Click above workbook image to get started!

Workbook 3

In Workbook 3, understand and apply the Great Commission using the model the Apostle Paul established for the preservation and transmission of the gospel.  Click above workbook image to get started!

Workbook 4

In Workbook 4, live the life of Christ as you live through the Holy Spirit. God calls us to obey, love and to serve others just as Jesus did - by the power of the same Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “ teach all things that I have commanded you.” This is an enormous task, and not any one of us is adequate for anything of this magnitude. Workbook 4 will help you discover that godliness results only from Jesus Christ living through us by the Holy Spirit. It can never be accomplished by any external means. Click above workbook image to get started!

Workbook 5

In Workbook 5, learn how to share your faith organically. A dying world is looking for genuine disciples - real people whom God possesses and whose primary goal is to serve Jesus Christ. Workbook 5 will help you begin living and sharing your faith. Click above workbook image to get started!

A guidebook for those who want to develop a moment-by-moment closeness with God.Written 300 years agoby a cook in a European monastery, this is one of the most famous Christian books of all time and will help you practice being in God's presence continuously. Click above workbook image to get started!


The six eBook's (downloadable PDF workbook/guidebook's) content above may not necessarily reflect the official position of Church Without Walls® Inc., its founder Thomas (Dr. J) Jacob, its initiatives, its membership, its customers, its affiliates, and/or any other semblance of CWW® (entity or person, real or imagined). The above resources are in addition to other suggested resources of a Local Church or other online and on-site venues.

Spiritual Formation Level Three

resources that help

Church Without Walls

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Six eBooks (five workbooks and one guidebook) below the "Inform Us" prayer are for Individuals, Couples, or Groups of any size and adapt easily to any Christian doctrine, polity, or practice.




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